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How to Become a Member

Registration Fee for the 2024 - 25 school year is $35.
Registration will begin July 1, 2024.


CURRENT/RETURNING MEMBERS:  **After 08/17/2024,** a late fee is due, and membership will be $40.

As of March 1, 2025, the membership fee is reduced to $15 (membership through 6/30/25)


Steps for Member Registration

Step 1: Confirm that your family is eligible to join.  At least one of your children must meet the Arizona Statutes Regarding Home Education definition of homeschoolerA family is eligible for membership in CHET-SE if they are required to file the Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool for at least one of their children or have signed an ESA contract (or if your preschool child is 4 or 5 years old, which is under the mandatory affidavit-filing age of 6 years old, and you are homeschooling him/her using parent-directed curriculum, you are still eligible to join CHET-SE.).

  • CHET-SE does not advocate or oppose a parent’s choice to use public, charter, or private school; or any specific home-education curricula.  However, according to our charter, CHET-SE is an organization and resource for parents of homeschoolers.  CHET-SE exists to provide support to homeschooling families.

Step 2: Read carefully our By-laws, Statement of Faith and Behavior Guidelines. You must indicate your agreement with these documents during the online registration.

Step 3: After July 1, current members: update your profile by selecting "Profile" on the upper right menu.  This includes signatures and dates for:

  • the Statement of Faith & By-laws
  • the Dress Code and Conduct Guidelines (parent and student)
  • Certification of Eligibility
  • Permission and Release

These signatures/agreements remain valid until the following year's General Membership Meeting (GMM). 

NEW MEMBERS: please select "Join" on the upper right menu.  New members may join at any time.

Step 4: Send in your membership dues to the address below. Membership dues are $35 annually (with a $5 late fee for dues received after 08/17/2024 - for renewing members only) and will be pro-rated to $15 for everyone after March 1.  Checks should be made out to CHET-SE.  We only accept checks, money orders, or cash.  Thank you. 

PO Box 18555
Tucson, AZ 85731

Step 5: Email Kureen, our Treasurer, at [email protected] and let her know you sent in your payment. Include your check number and the date you mailed your check so she can be watching for it and alert you if it's not received.  Please allow one week for processing of your membership.

Step 6: Receive a confirmation email once you've completed steps 1-5. This will allow you to use the private portion of this website.  (All previous year memberships expire on 08/31/2024 and non-paid accounts are parked, disallowing web access, then deleted.)

Step 7: Remember also to file an Affidavit of Intent for Home School with the Pima County School Superintendent's Office or have a signed contract for ESA.